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Forex Trading

There are numerous misconceptions and incorrect assumptions that surrounding trading. These myths are held both by aspiring traders as well as the public. Not only are they untrue, they are hurtful both to you as a trader and your chances off success but also to the reputation of trading in the minds of the public who know next to nothing about it.

The Myths of Trading:

Perhaps the biggest myth about trading in the general public’s mind, is that it’s all about making money fast. High risk, fast money, fast cars, etc. etc. The stereotypes that surround trading are so widespread that most beginning traders get into trading due to these stereotypes and so they start off with the complete wrong mindset and expectations. These expectations come to a crashing realization once they lose a few trades and reality sets in.

How To Develop A Winning Trader’s Mindset

Are you ready to stop toying around and start making a serious attempt at trading profitably? If you want to trade with the big boys you will have to act like a big boy and stop behaving like a child in the market. That’s right, today’s lesson is a no-holds-barred in-your-face mother-load of brutal honesty that only yours truly would dare serve up, and I’m serving it up ice cold with zero apologies, because you NEED to hear this if you want to WIN!

It’s time to get your sh!t together if you want to compete with the big boys of the trading world. There is absolutely no other route to trading success other than taking a cold hard look at yourself in the mirror and deciding if your current trading behavior and mental processes are pushing you in the right or wrong direction.

Mental Fortitude

Mental fortitude is defined as the ability to focus on and execute solutions when in the face of uncertainty or adversity. Ask yourself this, in what other field is there as much uncertainty or adversity than in trading? Hard to think of any besides being in an active combat zone in a war.